trail shout out

Icehouse Canyon to Ontario Peak

We headed back up Icehouse Canyon today to venture onto Ontario Peak. On the way up we saw over a dozen people coming down after spending the night to see the Perseid Meteor Shower. Unfortunately it peaks tomorrow night so the campers only saw a couple of meteors. We also met a boy scout troop on the way up to Icehouse Saddle. Troop #652

TRAIL SHOUT OUT! We want to congratulate Troop #652 for not only getting to Icehouse saddle, but making their way on to Cucamonga Peak! We hope you all had a great day in the mountains.

We then made our way onto Ontario Peak. I was not feeling great so I hung out Kelly Camp and made friend with a tree to nap under while Jason and Paul headed up to the peak.  They found a nifty treasure and are starting  a new outdoor photo trend in honor of John Muir, "Muiring". We would love to you a pic of you in nature "Muiring" so post them to our FB page if you are so inclined!

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Both guys said the peak was great!

Cucamonga Peak & a Mohawk

Great day hiking to Cucamonga Peak via the Ice House Canyon Trail with our friend Jason. We are all training for upcoming trips. This was just what we needed - 12 miles round trip.... Great weather... Beautiful scenery... Good day! TRAIL SHOUT OUT- thanks to Mike and Mohawk for the great company on the way down from the saddle.








Staying Found With the Sierra Club

We joined the Sierra Club for some navigation practice this weekend. Our class started at the La Canada Carpool point. We loaded our cars up and headed to Eaton Saddle in the Angeles National Forest. The started the hike here and we made our way to Mt. Lowe. There was one instructor per 2-3 students. No map and compass experience was needed to take the class. We were divided into groups based on experience. Then the instructors had us do various exercises to work on our map and compass nav skills.

The class was extremely valuable and was a great way to refresh our skills. Next up our nav check off!

TRAIL SHOUT OUT: We want to give a shout out to new friends. The amazing instructors who volunteer their time to teach others-Diane, Richard and Robert in particular, Cheri our carpool mate and Jeff my navigating partner in crime.[gallery type="slideshow" ids="641,642,643,644,645,646,647,648,649,650,651,652,653"]