
Training Philosophy

As we continue to focus our efforts on the Whitney climb in April with Big City Mountaineers our training has evolved as well. We are again hitting the gym but with a different set of goals, a little more upper body, also focusing more on the hip flexors. Balance and the little muscles in our feet are getting more attention as well. We are also doing more stairmaster than stationary bike as a warm up and cool down, it is important, I have learned and experienced, to remind your muscles of the multidirectional and sport movements you will do after the mostly unidirectional work that is put in with weights.

We are realizing the importance of building up. Our fitness coming away from Ironman was great but it was long moderate efforts. Now we are trying to keep that endurance while giving more focus to some power and speed with hiking and mountaineering specific goals. We are approaching our climbing in the way we approached our other races, periodization training, a series of ramp ups and recoveries building with each to "peak" for a specific event. Also our nutrition is similar to when we run and bike, we use Infinite Nutrition, a custom drink formula, so that we can monitor and experiment with anything from calories, protein, caffeine and many others.

We continue this journey excited to see ourselves change and improve and just as excited to share what is working and not working in our training, diet, and gear with all of you.